Brogdon Slams Veto of Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act


Oklahoma State Senate

Communications Division

State Capitol

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105


For Immediate Release: April 27, 2010


Brogdon Slams Veto of

Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act

(For digital audio, go to and select “News”)


OKLAHOMA CITY – State Sen. Randy Brogdon said he was disappointed to learn that Gov. Brad Henry had vetoed Senate Bill 1685, the Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act. The bill was designed to stop further encroachment of the federal government on Second Amendment rights by exempting firearms and ammunition manufactured in Oklahoma from regulations handed down from Washington D.C.

“The governor claimed this bill would have given criminals ‘easy access’ to guns. That argument is absurd,” Brogdon said. “Oklahoma law addresses this issue—convicted felons cannot own guns in our state. The Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act would not have changed that state law.”

Under the provisions of Senate Bill 1685, no firearms or ammunition manufactured in Oklahoma and remaining in the state could be subject to any federal regulations, including federal registration requirements. Brogdon, R-Owasso, noted the legislation was approved by wide margins on bipartisan votes in both the Senate and the House.

“What the governor fails to grasp is that for years, anti-Second Amendment politicians have been attempting to use federal regulation as a way to prevent any law abiding citizen from owning firearms,” Brogdon said. “My legislation would have stopped further federal attempts to erode our Constitutional right to protect ourselves and our families.”

    Brogdon said he would attempt to override the governor’s veto of SB 1685 as soon as possible.

    “The governor claims to be pro-life then vetoes pro-life bills. He claims to support the Second Amendment then vetoes legislation supporting it. Actions speak louder than words—what he says he believes and what he does don’t add up,” Brogdon said. “This bill would have given Oklahomans greater protection for their right to keep and bare arms. I will do everything in my power to override this veto and make sure this bill becomes law.”


7 responses to “Brogdon Slams Veto of Oklahoma Firearms Freedom Act

  1. Not much left to say. This is why Randy MUST be our next Governor.

  2. Maria S. Weaver

    Oklahoma, sounds like you guys have a anti-gun Governor. Defeat him and get him out of office!

  3. It will require good people engaging in the Republican Party Primary process to make it happen for Randy Brogdon in Oklahoma.

    Are you willing to walk your block for the best candidates in your area? If everyone does a little, then we can accomplish great things together!

    Blessings all/sc

  4. I sent the following letter to Gov. Henry and my Rep. and Senator

    April 27, 2010

    The Honorable Brad Henry
    Governor of Oklahoma
    2300 North Lincoln Boulevard, Room 212
    Oklahoma City, OK 73105

    Re: Senate Bill 1685
    Dear Governor Henry
    It is sad to learn that you vetoed the Bill. It is an indicator that you are in lock step with the most liberal and corrupt Congress in American history. Your aspirations in the political arena may suffer drastically for not standing up for our Constitution and demonstrating your support for ‘the people and your oath.” I find it absurd that you must belief that your decision-making ability is so far above that of the entire Oklahoma Senate and House. Your veto will have consequences, I hope you will not like.
    Sincerely and respectfully yours,
    James Pogue

  5. Pingback: Oklahoma Governor Vetoes Firearms Freedom Act Bill : Black Bear Blog

  6. It is so true that we need Randy for Governor. His opponent wears the “conservative” label. She hasn’t acted like it in Congress. My question is, what is it you are “conserving?” Everyone is calling themselves by the conservative name since that is now in the majority. Let’s be more specific. Let’s conserve the Constitution. Let’s talk about it. When an issue comes up in debate, let’s look at it against the Constitution. No more weasel words. Use the Constitution and defend your position with that. If we don’t restore it we lose it. We don’t need Republican “leaders” working to oppose many Constitutional Republicans as they have been doing all over the country. Is that why we don’t finish the job when we get a majority?? I think it is. Randy’s my man. There are none better.

  7. Air Force Brat

    Maria — Brad Henry will no longer be in office after November, being limited to two terms.

    I agree with Brogdon; he is absolutely correct on this issue. I’m already doing my part to help his election bid, and have hopes that he will be able to pull it off. Mary Fallin’s “name recognition” isn’t NEARLY as set in stone as the media would have us believe.

    Fingers are tightly crossed that the veto override will be successful.

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