Let’s Pass on PASS ID!

There is good news and bad news on the REAL ID front . . .

* The good news: 46 states were not in compliance with REAL ID by December 31, forcing DHS Secretary Napolitano to extend the deadline to May, 2011 – and there’s no sign the states have any intention of complying with it by then
* The bad news: the Senate could pass REAL ID’s equally-bad replacement, the PASS Act, this month

Please tell Congress to oppose the PASS Act and instead repeal the REAL ID Act with NO replacement.

You may copy or borrow from the following letter . . .

The refusal of states to comply with REAL ID has led to its virtual nullification. This rebellion was one of the few bright spots of the past decade. Indeed, I hope the states get into the habit of opposing federal intrusion.

However, I realize the states opposed REAL ID primarily because of costs and technological problems. While these are valid concerns, the main reason I oppose REAL ID is because I value my privacy and freedom.

I therefore ask that you ignore the requests of governors and other state politicians to replace REAL ID with the S. 1261, the PASS Act. While the PASS Act does give the states more flexibility and financial aid, it still fails to guard my privacy or keep me safe. Here are just some of PASS ID’s problems: http://www.realnightmare.org/about/114/

* It requires innocent Americans to provide a broad array of identity documents, snarling them in long lines and bureaucratic red tape
* By requiring storage of identity documents like birth certificates in a central location for even longer periods than Real ID, PASS ID will cause identity theft
* PASS ID permits “enhanced drivers’ licenses,” which contain long-range radio frequency identification (RFID) chips, which can be used for tracking by anyone with a reader.
* If passed, the PASS ID will likely be expanded to serve other purposes, like riding a bus, purchasing a gun, or registering to vote.

The PASS Act will impose new burdens on the American people and actually make us less safe.

I therefore insist that you oppose the PASS Act. I also demand that you repeal REAL ID and replace it with nothing.


You can send your letter using DownsizeDC.org’s Educate the Powerful System

And please consider making a donation to further our work.

James Wilson
Assistant Communications Director

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