Tag Archives: Dr. Michael Coffman

Sustainable Subversion! Guest Dr. Michael Coffman on AxXiom For Liberty Live tonight 6-8 PM CT

Friday July 1, 2011

Tonight Howard and I will be interviewing a very special guest, Dr. Michael Coffman.

Listen Live from 6-8 pm CT on Rule of Law Radio

Dr. Coffman has a Ph. D in ecosystem analysis and climatology and has been studying the United Nation’s Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development since it was first presented to the world in 1992 at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro.

Dr. Coffman is probably best known for his Biodiversity map, the product of 2 years of research, which was delivered to the US Senate by Coffman and three other esteemed gentlemen just one hour before they were to vote on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (often referred to as the “Biodiversity Treaty”) which aimed to set aside nearly 50 percent of US land for wilderness preserves.  That map and other documentation was responsible for exposing and thwarting the plan.

For more about the Convention on Biological Diversity , the Wildlands Project and Agenda 21, please see “Taking Liberty”

Taking Liberty is a comprehensive look at the lower 48 states showing, region by region, how the Environmental Movement is rapidly abolishing Private Property in America.


Dr. Coffman is also a successful author and his newest book, Rescuing a Broken America: Why America is Deeply Divided and How to Heal it Constitutionally, is a one that should be on every concerned American’s bookshelf. (More books by Dr. Michael Coffman)