Tag Archives: Oklahoma We Are Change

SHOW NOTES for April 23, 2010

posted 4/25/10


April 23, 2010 Axiom for Liberty archived show


The creator of the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project

Did you know…

that the last time the US government bothered to gather any information about the problem of police misconduct in the United States was in 2002?

Injustice Everywhere
National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project

David Packman:

“I’ve tried my best to make something positive come from everything that happened by creating the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project in the hope that it can educate people about the issue of police misconduct and help improve attitudes towards victims, improve how victims of police misconduct are treated, and make it easier for them to find the kinds of help that were never available to me and my family.”

David’s story in his own words;

(As you read this story, please keep in mind that I was eventually found innocent thanks to security camera footage taken at the scene of the incident. The news stories that mention the video evidence that eventually freed me can be found here and the follow-up news weekly article: Justice Delayed. Also, I know it’s a long read, but I’ve tried to edit it down as much as I can.)


News about the incident;

Stab in the Dark

Funhouse Arrest Relies on Mob-Rule Verdict


Justice Delayed

Accused Funhouse Stabber Gets Sprung


News Feeds on Twitter;

Injustice Twitter Feed


National Detainee and Prisoner Rights News feed
RSS News Feed;


Worst Police Misconduct Videos of 2009

The Orwellian dream realized of 24/7 monitoring of civilian life appears to be a double-edged sword for police, though it’s also true that they continue to fight to keep such videos under wraps… many more videos were mentioned in reports that never made it out to the public.

We mentioned Hope Steffey’s case;

The video obtained by Hope Steffey’s lawyer and released to the public represents only a fraction of Hope’s actual torture by the Stark County sheriffs department in Ohio. The video is difficult to watch, but it’s very important for people, particularly Americans, to know that this outrageous crime has taken place in their country. The legal outcome of this case could determine what kind of country the United States becomes. If this level of injustice and brutality towards American citizens by their own law enforcement agencies and legal system is condoned and not corrected, the real possibility of humiliating and painful torture exists for all Americans. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/151009-US-Woman-Hope-Steffey-Brutalised-and-Strip-Searched-by-Male-Officers

Laws in some states keep Information about misconduct secret.


Links to the open record laws of each state. Scroll down to “Record Categories — Open or Closed” and then to “Police Records.” There you will find the state’s law on investigatory documents

SEE www.suffolkmedialaw.com

Injustice Everywhere- Incident Map


If you find this gentleman’s work as valuable as I do, please help him by going to Injustice Everywhere and clicking the donate button on the left.

Thank you David, for all of your hard work!

James Lane, co-host of Radio Free Oklahoma and founder of Oklahoma We Are Change joined us for the first part of the show

Andrew Griffin of the Red Dirt Report and the Oklahoma Watchdog gave his observations on the political antics in Oklahoma over the last couple of weeks. He shared his thoughts about McCains’s Senate Bill 3081.

Charles Key was treated to fabricated quotes by the Associated Press;

Keep the power in hands of people

Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key

On April 13, the Associated Press released a story about militias that claimed, among other things, that I was considering filing legislation for a state-authorized militia next year in Oklahoma. This was simply false. I had made it clear several times in the interview that I had no intention to file, knew of no other legislator who was planning to file such legislation, and hadn’t discussed the possibility with anyone.

Two days later, in a meeting with the reporter and his supervisor, it was revealed that the AP had decided to write a story on the militia. They were determined to find a connection to the tea parties, conservative legislators and other grassroots constitutional organizations one way or another. The story not only attributed false statements to me and others but also went national to a willing press who repeated the false information over and over.

Why did this happen? Will the media probe this question of how they got it so terribly wrong with as much zeal as they pursued their pre-determined effort to make a connection between militias and conservatives? I wouldn’t bet on it.

I believe the bigger issue that we face today is this: Will we return to the principles our nation was founded upon or will we continue to devolve to an inferior political system and fade into history?


Andrew Griffin from Oklahoma Watchdog;

Key demands Associated Press retraction

By ANDREW W. GRIFFIN Oklahoma Watchdog, editor Posted: April 22, 2010 andrew@oklahomawatchdog.org OKLAHOMA CITY — State Rep. Charles Key (R-Oklahoma City) sent out a press release late last week noting that he had been misquoted in an April 12 Associated Press article. As Key wrote in a piece headlined “Keep the power in hands of people,”

Read More;


Deborah Stevens Producer and co-host of Rule of Law Radio
Joined us with commentary on the wiretapping laws.

We razzed the Southern Poverty Law Center for their efforts to demean some of the most beloved activists of the Liberty movement today;

Back Fire!

Republic Magazine just got picked up for national distribution by Barnes & Noble, website membership is over 22,000 and we’ll be updating the site very soon to kick it into overdrive.

Patriots Report-Memberships are UP!

Amanda Teegarden Exec. Director of
OK-SAFE, Inc. Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, joined in to tell us about some upcoming
and discuss some of the
alarming changes
that we are witnessing in government
. These are changes that started long before President Obama took office and transcend partisan politics.

Her research and our mutual interest in state
Fusion Centers
was briefly touched upon as well.

Some additional documents on
Fusion Centers

A big thank you to all the great guests from Fridays show!