Category Archives: Oklahoma Politics

Mistaken for a Dead Man? Oklahoma Driver’s License Renewal Gets Complicated

dmv line
Kaye Beach
August 8, 2013

In recent months I have personally had a number of people tell me that they have had more than the usual hassle when trying to get their licenses renewed or replaced.  They are being redirected from the tag agency to the Dept. of Public Safety and the problem seems to be that their name or other identifying information was similar to another person that had some violation of fine on their driving record.

Often the matter was cleared up by a visit to the Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) but even in the most straightforward of circumstances, these people anywhere from a few hours or even days of work or school to dealing with the DPS and they are none to happy about it.

The National Drivers Registry

From what I can tell, many of these problems trace back to the National Drivers Registry (NDR) Every state submits information to the NDR about drivers who have had the driver’s license suspended, revoked or who have been convicted of serious traffic violations. (

When a person applies for a driver’s license or renewal the DMV (or in our case, a Tag Agency) the person’s name and other identifying information such as date of birth, license number or social security number, is checked to see if they show up on the National Drivers Registry. If there is a match, he or she has to go to the state Department of Public Safety in order to clear the problem up before a driver’s license can be issued.

(More about the NDR )

Mistaken for a dead man

In one case that I am aware of, a young man with a rather common name, lost at least a day of school day at DPS to prove that he was not another man in another state who was actually deceased but also had an outstanding traffic ticket on his record.  Mistaken identity?  The solution was straightforward enough –go to the Dept. of Public Safety, they compare the information and the young man is cleared.

The never ending story

In reality, he lost two half days of school waiting in line at the Dept. of Public Safety. And it doesn’t end there. This gentleman found out that he, like many others with this ‘mistaken identity’ issue, can look forward to going through the same issue again and again -every time he needs a new driver’s license. The National Driver’s registry cannot be annotated in any way to indicate that the matter has already been investigated and cleared.

For those who may have had an old ticket or violation that had actually been settled but is erroneously showing up in the system, the problem gets even stickier. They have to sort the matter out with the state that the information originates from before they can hope to get their Oklahoma license. This can takes days or even months and sometimes even a trip in person back to the originating state.

The burden is on you

So the National Driver’s License registry is designed to make it hard for an offender to escape punishment or penalties by making sure their record follows them no matter which state they may go. This system provides obvious utility for government but what about the completely innocent person that is losing time and money to prove their innocence and can look forward to repeating the same process every few years?

And why are tag agencies are empowered to issue driver’s licenses why can they not receive the information that will allow them to do their jobs efficiently and verify this info on the spot?

Redirects on the Rise?

Judging from the number of spontaneous reports I have been receiving on this specific problem, this is happening to many people lately. The National Drivers Registry in not a new system but problems associated with it seems to be on an uptick. I wonder why?

I would be interested in hearing from others who have experienced this or similar bureaucratic nightmares involving their Oklahoma state driver’s license.

Fallin and Pals Go to Paris to Promote OK DRONES

drones drones dronesKaye Beach

June 11, 2013

Oh they wish we would stop calling them that!  Drone, drone, DRONE!!!

Looks like our local media will comply.

To supplement your local news providers who fail to mention anything about drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) at all in their reporting of Gov. Fallin’s trip to the Paris Air Show, I thought I would provide you the press release that is circulating in the industry circles.  It is interesting to compare this one with the (drone) sanitized versions circulating in local media.

Industry circulated releases;

Oklahoma Department of Commerce Leads Delegation to one of World’s largest Aerospace Gathering to
Promote Oklahoma’s Aerospace and UAV Sectors
 The Oklahoma Department of Commerce’s foreign direct investment team has formally announced the state’s participation at the upcoming Paris Airshow taking place outside of Paris, June 17-23, 2013
 “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase Oklahoma’s value proposition and the many business factors that make Oklahoma a top destination for the global aerospace industry,” said McKeever
McKeever said Oklahoma has the infrastructure and policies in place that make the state a global center of excellence in aerospace and Unmanned Aerial Systems.
sUAS News

Oklahoma Department of Commerce Leads Delegation to one of World’s largest Aerospace Gathering to Promote Oklahoma’s Aerospace and UAS Sectors

“. . .Oklahoma has become THE PLACE in the United States for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) both for commercial and military applications.”

Local media news releases;


Governor, Oklahoma Officials To Attend Paris Air Show

Governor Mary Fallin is leading an Oklahoma delegation on a week-long trip to the Paris Air Show.

Fallin will be joined by her cabinet secretary for science and technology as well as aerospace companies and economic development agency officials at the Paris Air Show next week.

More than 55 companies with some Oklahoma presence are expected to have exhibits at the show and Fallin has said it’s critical to emphasize the state’s reputation as a key player in the aerospace industry

Read more

The Oklahoman

Oklahoma’s Gov. Mary Fallin will lead delegation to Paris Air Show

By Michael McNutt June 10, 2013

Gov. Mary Fallin, aerospace companies doing business in Oklahoma and economic development agencies will attend next week’s Paris Air Show.

Not to be unduly harsh with our local media who has apparently dropped a few important descriptive terms from their vocabulary (like drone and UAV) as some did raise an important issue regarding taxpayer money being spent on travel, luxury hotels and meals for  private industry representatives.

Michael McNutt, Senior Reporter,  The Oklahoman;

Two years ago, Fallin was criticized about the cost of sending four state officials to the air show, which is held every other year.

Records showed that the state paid for $400-a-night rooms at a luxury Paris hotel, $188 daily meal per diems and more than $3,000 in airfare. Fallin didn’t attend the show in 2011 but defended Oklahoma’s participation.

Several private Oklahoma-based aerospace companies, along with a delegation from the chambers of commerce in Ardmore and Oklahoma City, also participated in the 2011 show and reimbursed the state for nearly half the $154,000 total cost.

This year, more than 55 companies with a presence in Oklahoma will exhibit at the show. The Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, the Tulsa Regional Chamber and the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce all will be represented in the Oklahoma delegation

Read  more

So industry officials get to live it up on our dime.  This is just one of the problems with Public Private Partnerships.

“The OSU University Multispectral Laboratories located in Ponca City Oklahoma is a public private partnership boasts that the UML’s partnership is “unique in the country” in that it has “truly fused” government, private industry and academia.”

I wonder what kind of government we get when we fuse “government, private industry and academia”?  I can tell you this much – it’s not a very representative one!

Read more about the pitfalls of ‘Public Private Partnerships’

Public-Private Partnerships, (PPP’s or P3’s), and initiatives and legislation supporting them, are a prominent trend in State and Federal government. They are often supported by Big Government advocates as “innovative financing” and by Crony Capitalism advocates as “free market solutions.” However, they are a direct threat to the free market and are an incentive for corporatists to engage in unproductive ventures and monopolists to exclude competitors. PPP’s are the source of the sort of political corruption that undermines the rule of law and the sort of central planning that is at the heart of the anti-capitalist

mentality. Everyone who supports U.S. Free Enterprise should be on their guard against supporters of PPP’s.

oklahoma best drone package

OK-SAFE: Help Stop Common Core in Oklahoma – Calls Needed!

Kaye Beach

May 17, 2013



Help Stop Common Core in Oklahoma – Calls Needed!

OK-SAFE, Inc. – By now everyone knows how dangerous the Common Core State Standards are for our children and state education.  (See here, here, here, here, and here.)

Everyone, that is, except OK Governor Mary Fallin, State Superintendent Janet Barresi, and Senator John Ford.

It appears that OK Speaker T.W. Shannon has come out against the Common Core state standards and is willing to run legislation (hopefully this session) to repeal one of the components of this egregious education system.  (HB 1719 may end up being the legislative vehicle for the repeal of the Common Core standards bill, but that has not been confirmed as of this writing.)

Please call your Senator and Representative and tell them you want Common Core repealed in Oklahoma.  Especially, call and email Pro-Tem Brian Bingman and Sen. John Ford and tell them to say YES to the repeal of the Common Core in Oklahoma.

  • Senate Pro-Tem Brian Bingman   405-521-5528   Email:
  • Sen. John Ford                                 405-521-5634  Email:

Read more

Tonight on AxXiom For Liberty Live! Drones, Biometric Scans, Raid and Common Core – NOT OK Oklahoma!

a4l 55

*****Show Notes Below*****

Kaye Beach

April 26, 2013

Listen  click
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Logos Radio Network is a listener supported, free speech radio network and your contributions are vital but you do not have to be a subscriber in order to hear the show.

Tonight on Axxiom For Liberty with Kaye Beach and Howard Houchen – Drones, Biometric Scans, Raid and Common Core – NOT OK Oklahoma!

Howard and I are going to be catching up on some Oklahoma news items that will be of great interest to liberty lovers.

We are going to talk to Dax Ewbank about the FDA and the FBI raiding a Tulsa alternative cancer care clinic, discuss how a new hospital biometric identification system is causing problems for some conscientious employees and catch up on what is going on with the drones in Oklahoma.  We will also get an update on the Oklahoma push back against Common Core from Jenni White, Exec. Director of Restore Oklahoma Public Education.

And we want to hear from you!  Call us at 512-646-1984

 **************************Show Notes*********************

We spoke with Sam Bass whose wife Yvonne’s treatment was interrupted because of the FDA/FBI raid on Camelot Cancer Care, and asked how we could help.

Here is a link to the website where you can support Yvonne

Keep up with all the anti-Common Core activities here – Restore Oklahoma Public Education -ROPE – on Facebook



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A Distinguishing Discussion with the Candidates for OK GOP Chair

Kaye Beach
April 14, 2013

On Friday’s (April 14, 2013) AxXiom For Liberty radio show Howard and I spoke to Amanda Teegarden and Dave Weston, both candidates for Oklahoma state Republican Chair.

The OK GOP Convention will be held this Friday and Saturday. Details here
(If you care to listen to our discussion with Teegarden and Weston, here is the audio clip from that segment of the show.
In the interest of transparency I want to disclose that I support and have given my endorsement to Amanda Teegarden. I also did my best to treat both our guests in an equal and fair manner. Both candidates have my respect.

(You can find out more about the candidates, Dave Weston here and Amanda Teegarden here )

The following is a text based dust up of the discussion we had with the candidates from Friday’s show.

We began by introducing both candidates, giving highlights from their campaign web bio’s Howard then invited them each to give us 2 1/2 minutes on what they wanted Republican voters in Oklahoma to know about them and why they were running.

Dave Weston

said that we are at a critical point in our nation and we have to be sure that we can back five Republican Congressman and a send back conservative Senator to DC US Congress so that we can ensure Oklahoma values are preserved and we can hold Obama at bay.

Weston touched upon state concerns saying that “We’ve also got to be able to do what we can on the state level to use the powers of nullification- I know that is a hot button- to hold back basically, what I consider to be the encroachment of the federal government upon our state and upon our citizens”

Dave Weston emphasized the importance of fundraising.

“We have to establish a base, a foundation” says Weston drawing analogy with the Calgary tower in Canada that stands 626 feet high, and weighs about 12,000 tons with 7 of those tons being concentrated at the base of the tower located underground.

 “When you have a foundation like that you can go way up high and you can do really well”  “The foundation for politics is fundraising”   He says he hopes to build upon the foundation already established within the Republican Party noting that “we’ve raised a lot of money in the past and money is the mother’s milk of politics”

Policy is also important says Weston “but without the foundation in place the policy is not going to get us very far because we have the people elected that are going to be able to enact that policy”

 amanda 1

Amanda Teegarden began by speaking  about her work over the past 8 years to “educate, advocate and lobby the Oklahoma state legislature”   She  says that the Oklahoma grassroots has done well in their party political efforts and have been very successful in getting Republicans elected in the state.  But still, something is not quite right.

“There’s a disconnect” says Teegarden.

She explains that it was during the process of educating herself which included spending time at the capitol directly observing the policy making that she realized “that what the press releases say and how the party is being marketed to the public compared to what we are actually doing legislatively with those policies and the changes that are taking place, there’s a disconnect.”

Addressing that “disconnect between what’s being said and what’s being done” is of great importance to her.

Teegarden notes that she has a proven track record of bringing people together, educating them on the issues encouraging them to participate in the political process “so that we can enjoy proper representation.”  She vows to continue that work as OK GOP Chair.

On the issue of fundraising, she agrees with Weston that it is important noting that the state GOP has “fortunately been blessed with many people who have that skillset.  What is missing in Republican leadership, she says, is somebody who also understands policy and can bring that understanding level of accountability to the office”

I get to ask the first question of our candidates and my question is an open one.  I ask; What do you think is the biggest problem or stumbling block that exists within our GOP and what do we have to do fix that, to improve?”

Dave Weston says that he doesn’t believe that Republicans need to change their message.  Using the example of Scott Walker Wisconsin, Weston says it is apparent that “conservatism as it is still sells. . .Conservatism is the best way to govern best way to live best way for people to have moral values to have a moral government and so I don’t believe that we need to change anything as far as out messaging goes

“What we do need to do is improve the delivery of our message”

Weston says we were “out-executed” on the national level in the presidential election but says that ultimately the fact that many Republicans “chose to be frustrated and stay home” is the reason that we now have Barack Obama as president.

Amanda Teegarden says that she thinks the biggest problem is that, the policies that are currently being advanced . . .are running contrary to what our platform says we are about”

She says that the problem is not that our message is wrong but that tactics are being used to try and force people to accept what is essentially pablum in place of red meat.  Teegarden points to the selection of weak candidates in 2008 and 2012 as a big part of the problem.

Next, Howard wants to know how we going to bring in minorities and young people into the Republican part.

“What are we going to do to grab a hold of these groups that we are missing in the Republican Party?” He asks the candidates.

Dave Weston:  “As far as minorities are concerned, we need to quit calling them ‘minorities’  in my opinion, it is ‘ethnic outreach,’ number one so we’ve got to change the verbiage and we’ve got to treat them like they are regular people and reach out to them.”

Weston says he is encouraged by the efforts of one Oklahoma Republican Women’s club in attending Naturalization ceremonies on the 29th of each month.  He says they now signed up over 50 new republicans

Regarding the youth, Weston says that “our biggest detriment is that our meetings are boring” Boring meetings and disagreeing in a disagreeable fashion are the two biggest reasons why people don’t come back around.”


Amanda Teegarden says she agrees that we have to do more to reach these people and that she believes that having a party that stands on principle is attractive to these groups.

In the case of immigrants, Teegarden says that this is what they came to this country for; “. . .to enjoy the freedoms and liberty” this she says is the impression they have of the United States that brought them here.  “Immigrants, she says, would be naturally gravitating to the party that stands on principle.”

Amanda Teegarden says that she has actively pursued engagement with young conservatives.  For example, the recent Nathan Dahm for Senate campaign that she worked on.  Teegarden holds Nathan Dahm up as an example of a young candidate that is a true conservative and says that it is evident that there are young people that are willing to get engaged and that  she has actively pursued engagement with these young conservatives.

Next, I wanted to see what these two candidates thought about the controversial changes to the RNC rules even as I expressed my uncertainty that the question might be a rather moot point. (Moot because the Spring RNC meeting where this issue was being  addressed ended on Friday, the same day this show was airing and the fate of the unpopular rule changes from last Fall had presumably been decided already.   For some background in this issue follow this link )

I asked,   “What ideas do you have about fixing, if you think it is a problem,  the RNC adopted rule changes from the last RNC convention that basically in a lot of ways strips states parties of their power and control over convention delegates  what is your opinion on that and do you propose we do about it?”

Dave Weston says “Well, I mean, we seem to revert back to where we were before.   I think there are a lot of people who feel that that is an overreach.”

Weston goes on to say that it is his understanding that our GOP National Committeeman, Steve Fair is going to meeting where he will seek to get the rule changed.

(At the recent Spring RNC meeting held April 10th – 13th, Morton Blackwell led the charge to reverse the controversial 2012 RNC rule change that served to shift the balance of power within the GOP even further to the top.  It is reported that Steve Fair did indeed cast his vote in favor of reversing the rule change which failed by a narrow margin.)

Amanda Teegarden first asks for me to clarify that I am referring to Rule 11 that was adopted at the 2012 convention in Florida.  I confirm that Rule 11 is what I am referencing.

**Note: Here is another instance of my well known handicap with numbers surfacing.   Rule 11 was, in fact, the subject of controversy preceding the 2012 RNC convention but really I was referring to the RNC “power grab” rule changes.  Maybe I will get a little sympathy since these rules were renumbered at least once during last year’s battle over them.  In any event, Amanda connected with substance of the problems with these rules despite my bungling.  My apologies for the confusion**

Amanda Teegarden responded that the rule controversy served the purpose of helping the social conservatives and liberty group realize that the problem it was not one another rather, “It was the top down control effort on the part of the establishment to control the outcome,”

And stated unequivocally that that the rule “. . .needs to be overturned.”

“The Republican Party is supposed to be the Party from the grassroots up, from the bottom up, not a top down Party, that is what its tradition is and  in order to do that we have to have as much latitude as possible and freedom to choose our candidate as a state. . .”


With only about a minute or so left in segment, Howard gave Weston and Teegarden each 30 seconds to give their closing thoughts beginning with Dave Weston.

Dave Weston said that he just wanted to point out one difference between Amanda and himself and stated, “I do not want to subvert the will of the people at the ballot box.”

“I voted for Rick Santorum and Huckabee in the two previous presidential primary preference election but I don’t understand . . . obviously we can probably change the selection process somewhat, but don’t understand how you can go against the rules, we are talking about rules all the time and yet you are talking about going against the rules of not supporting the nominee and because of that we have Pres. Obama in office.”


At this point, Howard hands the floor to Amanda for her 30 second final thoughts and Weston continues concluding with “and that is not a good place for the GOP chairman to be in.”

Amanda Teegarden“It is the right of the people to reject the rules that was an unfair rule that was put into place and is currently being mischaracterized as what its intent and I believe that the core principles of the Republican Party are expressed in our platform and our public official should be held accountable to the platform and we should encourage them as a party and party officials to stand up for it and if I am elected as Chair that is what I intend to do”

Dave Weston interjects “Amanda you are saying our elections are illegal?”

Amanda Teegarden: “No.  I am not saying our elections are illegal”

With seconds to spare Howard and I close the show.

The comments made by Weston at the end are a head scratcher for me.  He insinuates that Amanda believes in subverting the will of the people at the ballot box and subverting rules.  I wish we had of had more time so that these points could have been clarified but there are at least two opportunities to hear these candidates speak and ask questions prior to the State GOP Convention.

Tulsa 912 meeting

Thursday, April 18th 6:30pm

Spirit Life Church (Evangelistic Temple) Destination Kids Building

5345 South Peoria Avenue Tulsa, OK 74105-6819

The High Noon Club

Friday, April 19th at 12 noon

H&H Shooting Sports, 400 S Vermont Ave #110 Oklahoma City, OK 73108

Tonight on AxXiom For Liberty Live! OK State GOP Chair Candidates and Documentarian Debbie Lewis

a4l 55
Kaye Beach
April 12, 2013
AxXiom For Liberty Live!  Fridays 6-8 PM Central
Listen  click ‘Listen’ then choose your Internet speed.  Logos Radio Network is a listener supported, free speech radio network and your contributions are vital but you do not have to be a subscriber in order to hear the show.

We have a great show lined up for you tonight!

Guests: Amanda Teegarden and David Weston-OK candidates for state GOP Char and Debbie Lewis, independent researcher, freelance writer and photographer and documentary writer for the new film Peddling Influence as well as other great documentaries.

Oklahoma Republicans are just days away from their annual state convention. This year the top order of business is electing new party officers including the state GOP Chair. First up tonight Howard and I will be speaking with the two candidates vying for that position- Amanda Teegarden and David Weston.

Amanda Teegarden

Amanda Teegarden has announced her candidacy for the State Chair of the Oklahoma Republican Party.
Teegarden’s experience in grassroots education and activism convinced
her that “the only way to solve our current crisis is to truly become
the party of the people. Oklahoma has a strong history of populism,
based upon self-reliance, neighborliness, community and civic
involvement that accounts for the unique character so many people admire
in our citizens,”.

“That means making our precincts active enterprises for education and activism. The precinct is the smallest political unit in the nation and the most important. American government is designed to flow from the individual up to the precinct and beyond.  We need to actively encourage participation in these neighborhood areas so we can help citizens restore good government to our cities, counties, state and nation,”.

David Weston

Why I’m running…
I see two challenges which threaten our future. The first is complacency. We cannot afford to replace optimism with contentment. As has been said: “The arrogance of success is to think that what we did yesterday is good enough for tomorrow.” The second is discord. We can fight each other for control while our adversary marches on, or we can come together and work to achieve common goals. As Sallust explained: “Small communities grow great through harmony, great ones fall to pieces through discord.” To keep moving forward, we must grant each other the grace of a short-term memory when we have been offended. This is why I’m running for OKGOP Chair.

Next up, a lady I admire very much, Debbie Lewis.  We will be discussing the new documentary Peddling Influence a William Lewis Films production written by Debbie Lewis.

The Lies, Deception and Dollars, New Film Reveals Dark Side of Media
Debbie Lewis      

Columbia, MO, March 1, 2013 – In a country where deceit has become the norm, shouldn’t we expect our mainstream media to expose the deception rather than cover it up?  Day in and day out our news and information coverage is spun in such a sinister way that we cannot trust what we see and hear.  And we know it…just take a look at the polls regarding media trustworthiness.  How did this nation go from the desire of a Free Press to a “bought and paid for” media?  Peddling Influence may have the answer.  Read More      

For more information, to view the teasers and to acquire your copy of Peddling Influence, visit William Lewis Films

More about Debbie Lewis;

Debbie Lewis is a concerned mother, independent researcher, freelance writer
and amateur photographer troubled with the obvious lack of representation in our government and the suppression of truth in the mainstream media.  Lewis does research for William Lewis Films productions, has written three feature length documentaries, Peddling Influence, Blood of Patriots and The Ron Paul Uprising and co-wrote Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2.  Her articles are featured in the international publication Namaste Magazine and the national publications Survivalist and The Sovereign and they appear at several locations on the web, including and

Your questions or comments are always welcome!
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Gov. Fallin and Steve McKeever’s Drone Questing Collaboration

fallin red queen

Kaye Beach

March 27, 2012

Interesting article published today by FastCompany;

Inside Oklahoma’s Quest To Dominate The American Drone Industry

How politicians, universities, and aerospace firms are teaming up to turn the Sooner State into America’s UAV capital.

. . .Oklahoma businesspeople, academics, and politicians are collaborating through an organization named USA-OK, which aims to make the heartland state the focal point of American UAV development. A quasi-affiliated group, the Governor’s Unmanned Aerial Systems Council (PDF), was formed via an executive order from Governor Mary Fallin in 2011. Both organizations are lobbying for commercial drone test sites in Oklahoma and increased government assistance [that means your tax dollars!] in luring more large military contractors to the state.

Stephen McKeever, Oklahoma’s Secretary of Science and Technology and a prominent figure in the state’s UAV industry, told Fast Company that Oklahoma is already home to approximately 15 companies servicing the UAV industry. . . According to McKeever, the state offers a variety of incentives and subsidies for aerospace companies of all sizes.

McKeever and Fallin are busy luring this industry to Oklahoma meanwhile Mckeever and Fallin killed HB 1556 which would have simply required law enforcement to get a warrant before engaging in targeted surveillance of individuals and prohibit weaponization of the drones.

. . .Last month, the FAA announced that they are seeking six domestic test sites for UAVs. Due to the obvious commercial possibilities in, say, selling small aircraft for $1,000 a pop to farmers and real estate agencies looking to do aerial monitoring on a budget, UAVs are potential huge business. Giants such as Boeing and hundreds of smaller companies see commercial UAV usage as a gold rush waiting to happen.

State authorities inside Oklahoma issued a strategic drone plan detailing ways to build up the local UAV industry. These plans center on bringing one of the domestic UAV test sites to Oklahoma, which already tests military UAVs. . .

The FastCompany article mentions the Oklahoma UAS [DRONE] Summit held this Tuesday in Norman, but like the media in general, provides little detail on the conference.  (No mention of ‘Pesky Critters’ at all.)

This week, a major UAV convention took place in Oklahoma as well. . . .The agenda includes discussions of UAV use by emergency first responders, the Homeland Security Department’s proposed domestic spy drones. . .

Drone manufacturers even have lobbyists. [You don’t say!]  . . .Michael Toscano, the organization’s president, advocates the integration of commercial drones into American airspace. Toscano, in an interview, stressed job creation possibilities if the FAA legalizes commercial drones.

AUVSI spent big dollars in lobbying on the FAA bill that expanded the use of drones in US airspace.  Their money was well spent too.

As a PowerPoint presentation recently obtained by Republic Report shows, the industry group all but wrote the legislation. “Our suggestions were often taken word-for-word,” it says. Read More

Mr. Toscano wasalso  right by Gov. Fallin’s and Stephen McKeever’s side on Jan 17th at a press conference held at the State Capitol in order to unveil the marvelous benefits of drone technology that is being cultivated with our tax dollars.

Interestingly, Toscano thinks that there is no need for addition privacy regulation.

Toscano says the drone industry thinks existing laws are sufficient: ”We believe that your Fourth  Amendment rights are protected.

Well that figures since legislation like Oklahoma’s HB 1556 might interfere with what Toscano sees as an open market.

Toscano. . .says there are nearly 19,000 law enforcement entities in the United States, of which only 300 now have aerial surveillance capacities.

“Those departments have helicopters which cost about $1,500 an hour to operate,” Toscano says. “You can fly these drones for maybe less than $50 hour. A lot of smaller departments can now afford this technology.” read more


At the Jan. 17th press conference, McKeever said;

 “We fully recognize that reasonable people could have reasonable concerns and these must be dealt with that’s what our elected officials and government authorities are for.”

Fallin added that;

“We’re not interested in spying on anyone.”

Mary Fallin isn’t counting the little people.  Maybe she doesn’t consider what we would consider spying as spying.  Maybe she just thinks of as over sight.

Did you know that ‘OverSite’  is actually another great surveillance technology program  being promoted out of OSU’s Multispectral Laboratories and tested on unsuspecting Oklahomans at sporting events. 

‘To look at their RV parked at a game or concert, you’d never know that inside is all this technology and more’ link

umlThe Oklahoma State University Multispectral Laboratories (UML) is a public-private partnership “between the University and Anchor Dynamics Inc (ADI), which receives support from Ponca City Development Authority and ConocoPhillips, designed to accelerate commercialization of new technologies.”

The UML acts as a “Trusted Agent” for U.S. Government, technology developers and operators.

Naturally, like the non-spying drones,  this is being done with a little boost from the non-spying Department of Homeland Security

The proof of concept demonstration was funded by the Department of Homeland Security. Link

OverSite incorporates facial recognition technology and a trick camera to spy on the crowd without them ever knowing a thing.  (but it’s not spying! It’s ‘OverSite’!) Read more 

And with all of the time, energy and money that has been spent, not one thing has been done to address the biggest concern of ordinary Oklahomans which is their privacy and safety.  It is the ordinary people of this state, after all,  who are paying for the ‘incentives’ being offered to court the drone industry here.

Little people, little problems.  We have our nightmares and they have their dreams. . .

Stephen McKeever, a transplanted Brit living in Oklahoma, dreams of turning his state into the capital for drones — the unmanned aircraft that, the Federal Aviation Administration predicts, will swarm the skies by the thousands within two decades. Read more

‘Pesky Critters’ and the Oklahoma Drone Summit 2013

UAS summit

Kaye Beach

**Update June 11, 2013

“Most recently in March 2013 Oklahoma was host to a UAS Summit in Norman,
OK which provided a platform for the state to describe its plans and
objectives with respect to UAS. The Summit covered a diverse set of
subjects and topics including the use of UAS for agriculture, advanced
weather monitoring and research, along with law enforcement and military
applications of UAS technology” Link

March 26, 2012

The 2013 Oklahoma Unmanned Aerial Systems Summit was held today in Norman.

I would have loved to attended this event but the attendance conditions were quite intimidating even if I had of found out about it in time.  I did scout about for information on social media where often tech events are heavily covered, without much luck.  Monitoring twitter proved disappointing.  Strange since the Summit included a ‘social media’ meeting last night.  Actually, I found just one person that was attending the event that was using twitter.  Courtney E Howard, the Editor in Chief – Avionics Intelligence.  You can read her tweets on the event here

This tweet of Howard’s I thought was rather funny;

People do say things [about #UAVs] that are ridiculous & they say it loudly.–Professor of Political Science at University of Oklahoma (OU)

She is quoting one of the last panelists in the line up today who were covering Privacy and Social Implications of drones.  This panel was chaired by Prof. Stephan Henderson

I wonder what ridiculous things people say loudly about the drones?  One of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard about drones actually comes from one of today’s speakers at the Oklahoma Unmanned Aerial Systems Summit.  His name is Kirk Kloeppel and he was slated to speak on the Department of Homeland Security’s RAPS program that Oklahoma was chosen as the test site for back in June of 2012.  RAPS stands for Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety.

First reports from the RAPS trials being run in our state struck me as pretty ridiculous since the press release from the Governors office studiously avoided mention of the rather obvious role that the police would play in the DHS’s RAPS program.

Governor Mary Fallin Joins Department of Homeland Security, Oklahoma National Guard to Announce New Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program in Oklahoma

Gov. Fallin assures the public that ‘drones for use by the military or police investigations will not be tested at the Oklahoma site.’

Source: NewsOK, June 29, 2012, Oklahoma chosen as test site for drones

Here is an excerpt from a reporters observation of the very first trials of RAPS;

FORT SILL — The small, winged drone quietly soared overhead as SWAT team members closed in on a building at Fort Sill.

When a suspect sprinted from the structure, the drone banked through a cloudless afternoon sky in an effort to track the person.

A few miles away, two Lockheed Martin technicians sat in a converted bedroom of a ranch-style house using a laptop computer to control the drone’s movements. They followed the action on a video relay.

NewsOK, Dec. 31, 2012 Wary eyes shift to the skies as unmanned aircraft are tested in state

So the RAPS program itself might strike some as being at least mildly ridiculous but what Kirk Kloeppel is best know for, his ‘Pesky Critters’ would almost certainly strike most as utterly ridiculous.


Pesky Critters was written by Kloeppel in 2005.  Here is a brief excerpt from the paper;

“The hunter-killer pursues specific individuals and eliminates them. These devices have the unique deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) signature for individual leadership in their memory and examine the environment for a match. Once the proper candidate is isolated, the fly inserts a probe into the victim, injecting a toxic substance or altering the victim’s own genetic material with a virulent composition, causing quick incapacitation. The victim notices the “sting” from the robot but considers it a pest and thinks nothing of the consequences.

A day or two would pass before the targeted leader is not a further factor in the warfighting. These miniscule vehicles offer a unique, stealthy cap ability for a government. From the exterior, the robots appear to be common houseflies. They mimic the performance of the housefly in nearly every aspect except for the internal composition. Their innocuous existence offers implementers military advantages. While the development of a hunter-killer weapon may breach legal boundaries, its potential is illustrative of the possible alternative applications, many of which, such as the intelligence and surveillance approaches, are perfectly legal.

The above scenario may seem implausible—something dreamed within the mind of a science fiction writer—but the capabilities are closer to reality than one might imagine. The design, manufacture, and use of an unmanned aerial vehicle the size of a common housefly is feasible and worth exploring.”

Read 34 more pages of ridiculousness here

Or check out some more recent work by Colonel Kirk Kloeppel;

Air Force scientists are looking for robotic bombs that look — and act — like swarms of bugs and birds. In a recent presentation, Colonel Kirk Kloeppel, head of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s munitions directorate, announced the Lab’s interest in “bio-inspired munitions.”

These, “small, autonomous” machines would “provide close-in [surveillance] information, in addition to killing intended targets,” the Colonel noted.  And they’d not only take out foes in urban canyons – the self-guided munitions would “operat[e] within buildings,” too.

Jan. 1, 2008 Wired, Air Force: Bug-Like Robo-Bombs for Indoor Ops

Or this Kloeppel presentation from 2009

Here is the most ridiculous thing of all about the drone explosion that has been actively courted and developed by Gov. Fallin with our tax dollars; not one thing has been done to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of the people she was elected to serve.

In fact, it was the direct intervention of Gov. Fallin and Stephen McKeever, her Secretary of Science and Technology, that killed the fairly narrowly tailored legislation that would have simply prohibited the police from doing targeted surveillance of individuals and equipping them with weapons.

This is what I call ridiculous!

Mary Fallin puts an end to Oklahoma’s drone privacy bill

Tonight on AxXiom For Liberty Live! 6-8PM CT Catching up with the Grassroots

a4l 55

Kaye Beach

March 15, 2013

 AxXiom For Liberty with Kaye Beach and Howard Houchen

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First, our apologies for not having very many live shows for you over the past few weeks.  Between travels,  being the high season for our legislative advocacy work (and THE FLU!) we have been out of pocket more that we would have preferred.  Tonight we will do some catching up.

The Oklahoma legislature hit an important deadline this week to hear bills from their House of Orgin.  What that means is that bills not heard by March 14th would be effectively dead for this session.  This was a week of long nights for House members and handwringing for grassroots activists.

We will cover some of the wins and losses for Oklahoma grassroots activists but first, we will speak with Evan Handy.

Evan is an Oklahoma Republican activist currently working for a new group known as the Secure Oklahoma Coalition.  Secure Oklahoma is a grassroots coalition of taxpayers, small business owners, public employees and concerned Oklahomans committed to securing the state’s financial future through Oklahoma Public Employee Pension Reform.

Then, joining us to discuss the bills that lived or died is Jenni White, Executive Director of Restore Oklahoma Public Education (ROPE) and Mark Kreslins, Director of Oklahoma Liberty.

After that, we will share with you the news on HB1476 which would allow for a religious exemption from mandatory biometric enrollment via our state driver’s licenses and ID cards and hear from Rep. Ken Walker (Republican, D-70)  who is the House author on the bill.

Be sure to check back at this post later tonight for any additional show notes on these issues!

Your questions or comments are always welcome!
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Show Notes

Tulsa 9.12 will host a symposium on “Understanding Agenda 21.”

Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask” and founding member of Democrats Against Agenda 21, will be one of our many speakers. If you would like to learn more about Agenda 21 and how it affects you, please plan on joining us.
Speakers List:
Rosa Koire
Nathan Dahm – Oklahoma State Senator, District 33
Kaye Beach
Amanda Teegarden
Robert Semands

Sally Kern – OK State Representative
Friday, April 5

7pm Dinner

Introduction and remarks from Symposium Speakers

Q&A Session
Saturday, April 6 

9am – 4pm Conference

-lunch included

Online Registration at  MUST Register by April 1

Please share this event with your friends and family.

April 5&6, 2013

Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills  1902 E 71st St  PHONE-918-493-7000 

** Special room rates for out of town guests $92/night (reg $128)  Mention “Tulsa 9.12 Agenda 21 Conference” to receive discount.


Local Groups to Hold Pro Liberty Rally
March 14, 2013

Durant, Ok – The Bryan County Republicans & Conservatives Club & Guns Across America Bryan County Oklahoma announced today that they will be celebrating our Constitutional Right to freespeech by holding a Pro Liberty Rally Saturday, March 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the Historical Market Square in downtown Durant, Oklahoma. Guest speaker will be the honorable Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm, author of three separate bills asserting the 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Particularly of note is Dahm’s Oklahoma State Senate Bill S.B. 548, which is an assertion of the 10th Amendments State Rights stating that Oklahoma would protect our right to keep and bear arms by “opposing all unconstitutiona l laws, orders, or regulations imposed by the federal government that violate” those rights.
Local Liberty and Grassroots activist, radio host, and author Howard Houchen will also be a speaker.
Past rallies have included speeches from Rep. Dustin Roberts, State Senator Josh Brecheen, and City Council Candidate Stewart Hoffman who pledged to work with our State Representatives in their efforts to attract gun manufacturers and high paying jobs to our community as part of our support for our freedoms. Local Pastors and Community Members have also taken the stage to comment on the importance of exercising our First Amendment rights to protect our 2nd Amendment rights and more in this time of unprecedented government growth.

Various other state and local leaders are also expected to speak about our rights granted us by the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the Constitution, designed to protect the rights of liberty and property, and guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government’s, and reserve some powers to the states and public, including the right to free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, unreasonable search and seizure, fair trial by jury, civil rights and much more.

We will also be celebrating our right to vote by serving free hotdogs to attendees who vote early in the April 2nd local city council election in Durant. Free transportation will be provided to the polls that day until 1:00 pm, and voter registration tables will be available for those who wish to vote in future elections. Early voting is available Friday (March 29, 8a-6p), Sat (March 30, 8a-1p) , and Monday (April 1, 8a-6p), before elections at the Bryan County Election Board at 217 N 16th Ave in Durant.

At the rally, show us your “I voted” sticker and enjoy free charbroiled hotdogs and all the trimmings, on us!

The Bryan County Republican and Conservatives Club is a Conservative group of citizens that are concerned about the future of our great Nation. Guns Across America is a nationwide network of gun owners and proponents of gun ownership, who have coalesced to protect our God given rights to keep and bear arms.

To learn more about this rally, please contact us on Facebook at:
Bryan County Republicans & Conservatives Club
Guns Across America Bryan County Oklahoma
Or contact us at:

Mary Fallin puts an end to Oklahoma’s drone privacy bill

Mary Fallin puts an end to Oklahoma’s drone privacy bill

fallin dronesKaye Beach

March 13, 2013

House Bill 1556 authored by OK Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, working in conjunction with the Oklahoma ACLU,  would have required law enforcement to get a warrant before using drones for surveillance and prohibited civilian drones from carrying weapons.

But today the Governors office put an end to this bill.

Reported by KFOR-TV March 13, 2013;

Bill on drone surveillance put on hold

OKLAHOMA CITY – A bill that would have required law enforcement to get a warrant before using a drone for surveillance has been put on hold.

House Bill 1556 will be held over for the next session.

. . . The move comes as a result of opposition from Gov. Mary Fallin.

Read more and watch the video report at KFOR

Enjoying a groundswell of popular support that notably spans the political spectrum, HB1556 appeared to have a great chance of being passed by the Oklahoma House of Representatives until the Governor’s office decided it was time to intervene.

Citing concerns that pending legislation would hurt Oklahoma’s chances to be one of the six states chosen by the FAA to be a testing site for drones, Governor Fallin’s office took issue with the bill.  However, upon closer inspection of the FAA”s application by the bill’s author and the Dir. Of the OK ACLU, Ryan Kiesel, it was found that the FAA is explicitly does not automatically treat pending legislation as a negative.  

This fact, when raised made no impact on opposition to HB1556 by the Governor’s office which begs the question: Why would the Governor be opposed to the passage of this very modest bill?

This unanswered question takes me back to the press conference that I attended that was held by Gov. Fallin, along with her Secretary of Science and Technology,  Stephen McKeever,  and drone industry representative Michael Toscano, the president and CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International on Jan 16, 2013 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.


When it came time to take questions from members of the press, not surprisingly, the very first question asked was in regards to privacy and civil liberties.  At that time the Stephen McKeever made it crystal clear that they were not amenable to any statutory or even policy level changes that might protect the privacy rights of Oklahoman’s.  McKeever was quite clear in his statements explaining that while it was not unreasonable to have some concerns about drones and privacy, he was opposed to any real efforts to secure our privacy rights for fear that it might hinder  the drone industry in some way in our state.

That is when I knew that any legislation to advance the protection of our rights was going to be an uphill battle to say the least. 

Recently, the Congressional Research Service issued a report;  “Integration of Drones into Domestic Airspace: Selected Legal Issues”

The report states that “perhaps the most contentious issue concerning the introduction of drones into U.S. airspace is the threat that this technology will be used to spy on American citizens.” 

That this is an issue is not a surprise to anyone. Yet with all of the time, money and effort invested by this state to ensure that Oklahoma becomes drone central, USA,  nothing has been done to hear the concerns of Oklahoma citizens or ensure the rights of Oklahomans are protected.

There has been years of groundwork laid in making Oklahoma the premier state for the drone industry.

In 2009 the Unmanned Systems Alliance of Oklahoma (USA-OK) was created to promote the emerging unmanned systems industry in Oklahoma.

In 2011, Gov. Fallin issued an Executive Order to create the Unmanned Aerial Systems Council and appointed 13 members to her Unmanned Aerial Systems Council.  The council was to advise the governor on ‘all issues related to UAS, including education, economic development, job creation and investments’ so that Oklahoma could become a national leader in the UAS industry. 

This Council was created to advise the Governor on “all issues related to UAS”

How surveillance technology laden drones might infringe upon our Fourth Amendment rights has not been a primary or even secondary issue worth considering when officials were obviously working so hard at covering all the bases.

In all of the materials covering Governor Fallins efforts to develop the drone industry in Oklahoma that I have read, I have found  but one brief mention of the fact that drones present a real threat to our civil liberties.  It is in the Report of the Governor’s Oklahoma Unmanned Aerial Systems Council, released on July 8, 2012.   This recommendation made by the Oklahoma UAS Council, a small as it was, is one that should have been given some attention.  It wasn’t.

The Oklahoma UAS Council stated that  “The growth of UAS has the potential for enormous good and economic benefit for all residents, introducing new capabilities simply not possible at present. As with any new technology, however, new capabilities come with the potential for abuse. The state of Oklahoma takes these issues and concerns seriously. We support calls for thoughtful and informed dialogue to address these concerns and for the industry to work with privacy advocates, policymakers and legislators to provide the necessary protections against misuse.”  Source: Report of the Governor’s Oklahoma Unmanned Aerial Systems Council  A Strategic Plan for the Development of an Unmanned Aerial Systems Enterprise in the State of Oklahoma 

To my knowledge, no one from the drone industry or the Governor’s office reached out to the ACLU, OK-SAFE, or any other organization that is known for privacy advocacy in the state.

No.  It was not until HB1556 gained real traction and only after a last minute attempt by the Oklahoma State Chamber of Commerce to kill the bill in committee did the Governor’s office make any effort to connect with anyone and that was to put the brakes on the bill.

Rep. Wesselohoft worked openly and diligently to address any possible concerns by law enforcement or any others over the language in the bill.  Nevertheless, he was sideswiped by the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce shortly before the bill was to be heard in the House Aerospace and Energy committee when a Chamber representative told him that her organization was unhappy with the bill but refused to specify exactly what was problematic denying the Representative any opportunity to address their concerns.  The Chamber representative then proceeded to pass out to all committee members what was described as a ‘hit piece’ on the bill in an attempt to kill the legislation.

Despite this last minute attempt by the Chamber to sink HB1556, the bill passed the committee by a vote of 23-4.

To protect the rights of the people of the state of Oklahoma is the first duty of our elected representatives,  especially the Governor.  In reality, protection of our rights has registered dead last on Governor Fallins drone ‘to do’ list and this is unacceptable!

Another example of what I consider to be bad faith on the part of the Governor regarding the drone issue is her studied lack of forthrightness on the nature of the Dept. of Homeland Security’s RAPS program currently active in Oklahoma.

On June 29, 2012 Gov. Fallin announces Oklahoma is the first state chosen by the Dept. of Homeland Security as a testing site for small unmanned aircraft (drones) in the Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety (RAPS) program.

Gov. Fallin assures the public that ‘drones for use by the military or police investigations will not be tested at the Oklahoma site.’

Source: NewsOK, June 29, 2012, Oklahoma chosen as test site for drones

However, the Dept. of Homeland Security’s own documentation describes the RAPS program to include; “real-time law enforcement tactical operations support, and crime scene situational awareness.”

DHS explains that “Typical test scenarios include search and rescue missions, fire and
hazardous material spill responses, and simulated law enforcement tactical operations.”

Source: Privacy Impact Assessment for the Robotic Aircraft for Public Safety (RAPS) Project

And then on Dec. 31, 2012 we get a real New Year’s surprise from a news article describing the first RAPS tests taking place in Oklahoma as a SWAT policing exercise.

FORT SILL — The small, winged drone quietly soared overhead as SWAT team members closed in on a building at Fort Sill.

When a suspect sprinted from the structure, the drone banked through a cloudless afternoon sky in an effort to track the person.

A few miles away, two Lockheed Martin technicians sat in a converted bedroom of a ranch-style house using a laptop computer to control the drone’s movements. They followed the action on a video relay.

The simulated chase this month was among the first test flights in a U.S. Department of Homeland Security program designed to evaluate the possible civilian use of “Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.”

Source: NewsOK, Dec. 31, 2012, Wary eyes shift to the skies as unmanned aircraft are tested in state

Governor Fallin misrepresented this program.  That is very concerning to me.

What is it that the drone industry plans on doing in Oklahoma that makes a simple piece of legislation protecting basic rights so offensive to Governor Fallin?

Here is the bottom line for the grassroots activists who are rightfully outraged by the governors direct role in quashing this bill; it is up to you to make sure that such actions by our governor politically painful enough that she will think twice about disrespecting the rights of the people of this state which she has sworn to defend.

First, call her office and register your opinion of her actions.

The Office of Governor Mary Fallin

Local: (405) 521-2342
Fax: (405) 521-3353

Don’t forget.  You can also connect with Governor Fallin on Facebook

And Twitter

No need to be rude or threatening but tell her this is truly a blatant example of profits over people and she needs to get her priorities straight!

Contact the news stations and ask them to investigate the relationship between the industry and state officials.  Ask them to cover the ire of the people of this state about the amount of investment in this industry and the lack of attention to our concerns about privacy and arming the drones with weapons.  Do your own research and see what you can uncover.

Find out where Governor Fallin is speaking and show up with signs to let people know how little she respects them.

And last but not least, when she runs for re-election, make this issue a campaign issue that she will have to answer to!

Be creative –  but please do something to expose this problem!  If we don’t make this an issue-no one else will!